Taylorbeiaard Zwolle

Publicatie Beiaardboek

Zwols beiaardboek: Zwolle carillon composition contest 2015, is via deze link te bestellen.


In August 1985 the Zwolse Beiaard Stichting was founded by a number of enthusiastic listeners of carillon music. They were aware of the historic value of this cultural heritage and their aim was to promote music for carillon. After thirty years the foundation is still active. The promotion of carillon music has been realized by organizing summer concerts, carillon contests, educational activities etc. In 2015 we celebrated the thirtieth anniversary with a bicycle event together with our friends from Hattem and a composition contest.

This composition contest was very successful. We worked intensively together with the Music Committee of the Nederlandse Klokkenspel-Vereniging. We both published the information about the contest worldwide. A jury was established, consisting of two composers, Leo Samama and Alex Manassen, and Geert D’hollander/Boudewijn Zwart. We were very happy with receiving 24 compositions from the Netherlands, the USA, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Austria. On September 17 six new compositions were performed. Three of them were prize winners and three other compositions have been selected by the jury to be qualified for the audience prize. Julie Zhu was the great winner of the first prize and the audience prize as well with her composition Circle in square. The second prize was for Nikos Kokolakis with Squarcle for Carillon and the third prize went to Joey Brink for Capriccio.

The Music Committee decided to issue the six compositions that were performed on September 17 in this booklet. The other 18 compositions can be ordered as loose-leave copies. So we are very proud to publish the compositions and make them available to all carilloneurs in the world.

We hope that many people can enjoy this beautiful music. Zwolle, May 2017

Peter Hesseling
Chairman of the Zwolse Beiaard Stichting